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How to Create Story-Driven B2B Marketing

Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) have a choice, embrace the future or cling to the past. To succeed today, they must abandon mass-media thinking and resist the urge to squander their budgets on trivial advertising or paid media. To compete, they must build teams of practitioners who can create content, not merely outsource work to agencies and contractors.
The notion of engaging a Digital GTM Polymath is really compelling. You can harness the actionable wisdom of a worldly individual who acknowledges the near-term challenges and opportunities and has the strategic vision to anticipate the broader future. Here's the path to progress. Everyone can transform and evolve. I've authored a detailed market assessment with my recommendations - Learn more

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Major change is needed in the business-to-business (B2B) procurement arena. It's long overdue. Traditional sales and marketing approaches have proven inadequate in a dynamic marketplace.  Buyers are more informed and empowered than ever before, and their purchasing journeys are no longer linear. To keep pace, technology vendors need to fundamentally transform their go-to-market (GTM) strategies by prioritizing customer-centricity at every touchpoint. The 'Forrester Opportunity Lifecycle' framework offers valuable insights into this paradigm shift. It emphasizes the importance of aligning sales and marketing efforts with the customer's buying journey, ensuring an aligned and value-driven experience. B2B Opportunity Lifecycle Assessment Commercial buyer expectations have evolved significantly. They now conduct extensive research online, rely on peer recommendations, and expect personalized interactions throughout their procurement decision-making process. This necessitate